Things my life has taught me

Clichés always have a grain of truth and there is always something to learn.

Patience is key – when I was young, I was so impatient and just could not wait for things to happen in their own time.  A harsh lesson to learn as some of my past life decisions have been “taking the hard road”. But I am here now, and it has made me who I am.

Only time will tell – I did not know what I was capable of until I was placed into a position where I had to find out. I found out I am capable of quite a lot. I am proud of who I have become.

Don’t cry over spilled milk – It is very true that you cannot change what has happened, but you certainly can change how you react to it. Harsh words to live by. It is much easier to just exist, than it is to question the status quo. Oh, but the payoff is big!

Every cloud does have a silver lining – This is a matter of perspective. If you think it’s good, it is. If you think it’s bad, it is. Personally, I like to err on the good/positive side of things. Even if you don’t come to that conclusion right away. You will get there. You do have a choice.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed – This is me all over some days. I just have to remind myself that we all have those days and I am a work in progress. Reminder – don’t be so hard on yourself or others!

Read between the lines – This was an interesting life lesson for me. I am known as a straight shooter. Navigating the intricacies of human interaction when people aren’t so straight, well the result is still out on that one. 😊

Time flies – you can blink and miss the life of a child. One minute they are a babe in your arms, the next they are moving out of home and getting married. All in the blink of an eye. It certainly does feel that way.

Time heals all wounds – Past experiences (hurts) are just that past. Time itself does nothing. But you are a great big mess of a beautiful human being. Over time you change, time marches on, life moves on. You can look back over your life and choose to grow as a human being. Healing is a choice. Perspective is a choice.

It’s a no brainer.


Full circle

I’m back. Finally I’m here. Right where I am supposed to be. Every time I choose a path away from the light, my light within. It diminishes me. I lose a part of myself. I have to fight for me, endure the struggle and accept who I am. I am worthy. I am loved. I have to keep telling myself that.

To all those people struggling, like me. Who keep trying, who never give up. Respect.

Sending love and light to you all. We could all use a little more of that.


My World is Calm

I came to a realisation today. I am centred. My world is calm. I am happy, grateful and content. I do not need to get stressed about other peoples dramas anymore. So peaceful. Sending out love and light to all.

Let it go

Here I am, sitting in front of my computer late at night reminiscing. So much has happened over the last year, it is hard to believe it is nearly over. I am in my forties and I have enough life experience under my belt to last three life times. Two of the most important things that I have learned is that love is at the centre of everything that I do, otherwise why am I here? And the other is that love is everything, in other words I have learned not to hold onto anger and resentment. I cannot control what other people think or do. That is something they have to live with. I have learned to let it go. It is not my burden to carry.

You would not believe how much lighter this has made me feel. My family is everything to me and life is too short for the negative. As you get older you realise that you can choose to be surrounded by positive people who lift you up and kick to the kerb those that bring you down. Even if that means family members. It took me a long time to come to this realisation.

No more emotional blackmail, no more manipulation, no more pain. No more stressing about things I have no control over. Yes to focusing on the positive and seeing the old me come back. The real me. The person who is positive, loving, happy  and open to life and new experiences. My children are so happy to see the old me again. The one who laughs and smiles often.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sending love, light and healing to whoever needs it tonight. Share it around I say. The world needs more of that.


Everyone is so busy surviving that they are missing it.

What is it with people today? I will tell you that they have had enough. Enough already. All around the world we are seeing them rise up in large numbers peacefully protesting about the injustices inflicted upon them by those in power. Never before have we seen such a mind shift in such a way. To effect change we have to be heard and we simply cannot be ignored in large numbers. They can not kill us all and they simply cannot make us disappear in such large numbers. We are not asking, we are demanding a change that is warranted. We all deserve to live in peace. We all deserve to have basic human rights to survive and thrive as loving human beings. It is not about the privileged few. It is not about the money. It is simple human connection. Something that seems to be lost in this day and age. We are not going away. Take heed, those in power; your time has come. Flow with the tide of change or risk being swept away with the trash.

I dare you to ignore your mobile phones for one whole day and in that time reach out and connect with someone close to you and then reach out to a stranger. Just think how much can be achieved with these small acts. Take a stand. Do not let your life be controlled by a gadget. Everyone is so busy surviving that they are missing it. I am so very grateful for my life, even with all the hardship.

Peace, love and light to all.

Bathe in that glow

Aaaaah the joy of realising that the universe, god, angels, spirit guides or whoever you pray to, have just manifested the outcome you were waiting for. Yes you do have to practice mindfulness and actually get up off your chair and do something about it. But isn’t it great when things just fall into place effortlessly. That is when you know you are on the right path. I have had one of those aha moments today. I am practicing gratefulness as I know that life is short and I want to make the most of my time here. I want to learn and grow and shine that inner light everywhere. Let us be blinded by it. Bathe in that glow.

Love and Light

Time to move on

I am learning………

That it is ok to say No!

I am not an island, I do not have to be strong all the time

I can ask for help

It is ok to ensure that I get a good night’s sleep

I am entitled to time on my own

I can choose to be happy

That worrying solves nothing

That love should be at the root of everything

To be grateful for everything that I have

Time to move on.

Clean up yuck duty!

My baby turned two this month and he is a gorgeous child (hey I am his mother), and all that comes with a two year old has now emerged. That does sound ominous. He is now insisting that he does everything on his own and has no problem saying the word “No”. So he gets food and drink everywhere and I mean absolutely everywhere.

He is climbing, well everything. And with that comes the inevitable falling over. I must admit he hardly ever cries, he just keeps getting up and soldiering on. He has a wonderful personality and is always on the move. He certainly knows how to tire people out.

Today he is unwell, a high fever set in yesterday and he has thrown up a few times since then. So apart from being ‘nurse mummy’ and giving lots of kisses and cuddles, I am also administering medicine, lots of water and on clean up yuck duty. 🙂

I believe it is due to teething. His back molars are coming in and this can be quite painful at times. He may also have a slight cold. It is amazing how young children can be ill one moment and recover so quickly the next. This is my third child and so I am not panicking about the high temperature, unless it gets out of hand. He is handling things quite well and is still smiling.

He brings me no end of happiness and joy. I love the role of being a mother. However, I know that does not define me. It is only a part of who I am. An extremely important and loving part of me. It does tend to take over and I then have to put other areas of my life on hold. I do not regret this as children grow up so fast. I stayed home from work today to care for him. My family is my priority and keeping a job to take care of him is a priority also. So it is difficult at times to juggle all of it. My life is in a constant state of change, one moment of experience moves into another and I have to roll with it. So being flexible is a great tool to have. Patience is a virtue. So they say.

I want my children to know that they are loved and have a safe place to call home. I am grateful that I can provide that. I am so grateful that we are all healthy, even if we get ill and that we have food on the table and a roof over our heads. It is more than many people get to see.

Sending out love, light and healing to you all. Especially sending out loving thoughts to those in need right now.

A thought struck me today

A thought struck me today – don’t you just love the English language. It didn’t actually strike me, but it certainly felt like it. Everything is temporary, everything is just borrowed. All we have is the here and now.

I make a point of not getting attached to material things. I learned that lesson when I was young. One night our family went out for New Year’s Eve and when we got home we found that our home had been ransacked. They not only robbed us but drank our alcohol, and touched everything in the house. They even went through my underwear drawer. It was a violation of my privacy and they took anything of value that we had at the time. It was a lesson learned. You can replace jewellery, but you cannot replace a loved one.
You cannot replace the relationships that you build up over a lifetime. Those memories are to be treasured when you are alive on this planet. We cannot take any material item with us, so what is the point of coveting them when you are here. Material items do not make you happy.

They say time is fleeting. Everyone thinks that they have all the time in world to fix things that aren’t right within their lives. But that is just a fallacy. Life is short. It is but a blip on the radar. Do you want your life to be lived or do you just wish to exist and wait for the inevitable? For in the end we all pass on. I want my children to know that they are loved. I want those close to me to know that my time on earth was not wasted. I want to make a difference. I want to touch people’s lives in a positive way. When the end is near, I do not want to look back on my life with regret. I want to be surrounded by those people that I have connected with. That connection is what is important. WE are all connected. Material things can never replace that. Love is everything.

I can wait

Does anyone else have the feeling that I do right now? The feeling that something big is coming. That change is just around the corner. That this mundane life we are leading is just a precursor to something better. I really do believe it.
I have been slowly but steadily removing/cutting out anything from life that would hold me back. No more negative people or situations. It is as if I am clearing out the closet of my life to allow something new to appear. For some reason I am in a great place of peace right now. You would think that I would be impatient. I just know that things will fall into place at the perfect time.
I can wait. I know that it is going to be fantastic and I can wait. I have the rest of my life to celebrate that. I know deep in my heart that this is one of those moments in life that I am so happy to be aware of. We don’t always know what is coming and I for one am so excited to just be.
My heart and mind are open to all of the new possibilities. I am sending out love to everyone who needs it tonight. Why not share this awesome feeling with you all. I am blessed.