Tag Archives: sleep

I wouldn’t have it any other way

I have been absent from the blogesphere for a while. I have been dealing with a personal crisis that has subsided for now anyway. One thing I have noticed is how life goes on – no matter what is happening around you. I still had to look after the family. I still had to work two jobs. I had to contend with the everyday running of the household. I had to put up a front to my children as I did not want to worry them. I lost sleep. I became ill as I was run down. But life still had to go on. How many of us do this everyday?  It helped knowing that my problems were not so bad and that there are others dealing with much more than I – this put things into perspective. It helped to know that this will pass and things will get better. I know that. Meditation has become all the more important as I contend with a crook neck due to the stress. I have been trying to focus on the children and the joy that they can bring. I have been spending time with my family and friends. But something had to give and that was my writing. It is very difficult to get into the right head space to be creative when you are feeling overwhelmed with life. I am back. How I miss using my creative outlet. It feels like I have lost a part of me when I am away.

My little boy is nearly two and I have been really enjoying watching him learn to speak. He certainly knows how to make himself understood even if he doesn’t know all the words yet 🙂 My eldest is learning how to drive – what fun that is. The kids are on school holidays so there goes any assemblance of routine for two weeks 🙂 I am just so happy that we are all together, happy and healthy. What more can I ask for. I am so grateful. My house is certainly lived in and life is not perfect – I wouldn’t have it any other way. Sending out love and light to everyone.

A bit of compassion goes a long way

Ever have one of those days where everything seems to be going along swimmingly when BAM something just smacks you down (metaphorically speaking of course). You get upset, it becomes all consuming and you can’t think of anything else. I am talking about the stressful stuff that you can’t avoid. You just have to deal with it one way or another. We have all been there right. I have had one such day today. That is why I am still up and writing at 2am. I went to bed and tried to process things so I could eventually get to sleep as I have to work tomorrow….oops today! I just couldn’t do it. So I got up and I have ended up on the computer writing about how I feel. Firstly I am very angry which is really just frustration. I do not have any control over another person’s actions. Instead of losing it I am sitting here formulating a response. Not one that is based on emotion, but hopefully on fact and being logical (just like spock – live long and prosper).:) I am starting to feel better as I now have a plan. I will deal with each day as it comes and try not to be so hard on myself. A bit of compassion goes a long way. I can feel the old me coming back. Joyful. I can go back to bed now. 🙂 Blessings to you.

Sleep will do that for you

I had a few days off away from writing so I could recuperate 🙂 I have finally caught up with my sleep and had a great time bonding with my little one over the long weekend. Sometimes you need to walk away from the pressure of deadlines and take a step back and gain a fresh perspective. Baby is just so deliriously happy when I understand what he is trying to say. He is having full on conversations with me in baby talk. It is just wonderful watching the facial expressions he is making. So serious. Ah it’s the little things that bring you joy. I have been a hermit for the last few days and I am now ready to venture out again. One more day off and then back to the weekly grind. I feel like a new woman, sleep will do that for you.  I am so grateful that I can spend time with my family, that I am healthy and can get a good night’s sleep under this roof. As I wonder through my home just checking in on all of my children, I can’t help but feel blessed. Love and light to you all.

Dream Interpretation

I have been dreaming alot lately, or should I say remembering my dreams recently as they are so vivid in my mind when I wake in the morning. This morning was a doozy. There was a large double storey house clad in white. A group of teenagers converged on the house which was in pristine condition ready for a property inspection. At first they looked around. One of the boys started opening the cupboard doors and pulling out items and that was it. It was like an okay to go ahead. They started to vandalise the place. I just stood there helplessly and watched as the lovely home was trashed. Broken windows, everything was upended and jumped on and they even smeared faeces all over the staircase. What would make a person do such a thing? I remember the feeling of loss, all that good work ruined in one night with such disrespect.

Anyone who knows a little about dream interpretation would say that this dream represents my feelings about me and my life at the moment. Granted I have a very busy and stressful life, with a great amount of responsibility. The dream helps you to decipher how you feel by facing up to things while asleep in your subconscious, especially when you are avoiding these issues during the day.

I am thankful for my dreams as they are a breeding ground for original ideas for my writing. What do you dream about?